
英文 Protestantism and Democracy A Theology of Japan Monograph Series5
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英文 Protestantism and Democracy A Theology of Japan Monograph Series5

TomoakiFukai, ChristophSchw¨obel, AlisterMcGrath, YoshiakiMatsutani, TadashiAruga【ほか著】

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英文 Protestantism and Democracy A Theology of Japan Monograph Series5

定価 ¥2,750

1,430 定価より1,320円(48%)おトク



発送時期 1~5日以内に発送


販売会社/発売会社 聖学院大学出版会
発売年月日 2009/12/01
JAN 9784915832857

英文 Protestantism and Democracy







A key issue in contemporary Chiristian political thought is whether the church has a distinctive political outlook, or whether it is best un...

A key issue in contemporary Chiristian political thought is whether the church has a distinctive political outlook, or whether it is best understood as a constituency which civil society whose politics takes the form of democratisation and a commitment to a liberal state. Christian faith has from the beginning been characterised by a universal missionary claim with regard to a God who is identified by referring to particular temporal events. In the Hebrew Scriptures God can be identified by the divine name and by an identifying description. In the Hebrew Scriptures we also find another way of identifying God which is different from the use of the proper name or from identifying descriptions with reference to salvific events in the history of Israel.

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