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やりきる力 失敗を怖れるな! ホリエモン式「覚悟の決め方」がここにある!
発送時期 1~5日以内に発送
内容紹介 | |
販売会社/発売会社 | 学研プラス |
発売年月日 | 2021/05/27 |
JAN | 9784054068308 |
- 書籍
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やりきる力 失敗を怖れるな!
やりきる力 失敗を怖れるな!
堀江貴文さんの頭の中を少し覗けた気がしました。 YouTubeやインスタでたびたび目にしていたひとでした。やるの一択で,挑戦していく。題名のやりきる力を与えてくれるような素晴らしい本でした。 ありがとうございます♪
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I just read a book by Mr. Horie for the first time. I was surprised to learn how serious, sincere, and dedicated he is to his work. I didn...
I just read a book by Mr. Horie for the first time. I was surprised to learn how serious, sincere, and dedicated he is to his work. I didn't know he had written so many books! He seems to be a fascinating person with a childlike curiosity and a passion for pursuing his ideals. He says that the time we spend worrying about what others think is the most wasteful, and that we should let go of our self-consciousness. After all, everyone is too busy with their own lives to care about our failures. That really resonated with me, and it's something I want to keep in mind. He also emphasizes the importance of being able to focus on the present moment. He believes that this ability will be essential in the future, and that if we have it, we don't even need to go to university. In this uncertain era, I want to give my children the opportunity to experience many different things so that they can find something they can truly immerse themselves in. Overall, I found the book to be inspiring and thought-provoking. It made me realize the importance of living in the present moment, pursuing my passions, and not worrying about what others think. I would definitely recommend it to others.
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とにかくやりたいことをやったほうがいい。 失敗してもいい。 やりたいことはたくさんあればやればいい。 とにかく挑戦するのだ。
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